Healing Affirmations

Healing Affirmations

Affirmations to help you heal, release negative energy, and move forward! Feel free to add to the list!

  • I am in the process of healing my mental health for good.
  • I am choosing to focus on mental wellness.
  • I give myself permission to heal.
  • I am willing to forgive myself.
  • I am ready to forgive anyone I feel has hurt me.
  • I let go of my perceived pain.
  • I’m willing to see things differently.
  • I accept the lesson my pain is offering me.
  • I see my current circumstances as an opportunity to grow.
  • I release the past and trust that everything is happening for my greatest good.
  • Everything I am going through is making me a stronger, wiser, and more compassionate person.
  • I trust that everything in my life is unfolding perfectly.
  • I acknowledge my unresolved feelings with patience and self-reflection.
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We are healing ourselves in 2024 <3

Jess French

Absolutely amazing! Thanks so much for these amazing affirmations. Grateful you emailed me. I will definitely support this business.

Veronica Calzada

This is cool, I love it.

Q Smith

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